Farm accident compensation lawyers
The agriculture, forestry and fishing industry has the highest frequency rate of serious workers’ compensation claims of any industry in Australia. If you are injured while working on a farm, you may be able to claim accident compensation.
Shine Lawyers are experts in workers’ compensation law and can advise you on your legal options and ability to make a farm accident claim.
Agricultural and farming accident injury compensation
Farm work involves heavy machinery and equipment, agricultural chemicals and sometimes large animals. Each of these creates potential risks and hazards for workers. Work locations may be remote, and you may be working alone, making it difficult to call for or receive help quickly.
According to Farmsafe Australia, since 2001 over 1700 people have lost their lives on Australian farms. Safe Work Australia statistics indicate that the agriculture, forestry and fishing industry has the highest fatality rate of all Australian industries.
What are some common farm accidents in Australia?
Some common farm accidents causing injury involve:
Farm vehicles, including tractors, quad bikes, motorbikes, helicopters and light aircraft
Farm machinery and equipment
Falls from a height, such as from buildings, vehicles or windmills
Falling objects, such as large hay bales
Silos, slurry stores or pits, including being trapped in pits
Livestock, such as being thrown from a horse or charged or kicked while mustering
What types of injuries do farm accidents cause?
Farm accident injuries can be serious and traumatic. Agriculture, forestry and fishing has the highest frequency rate for serious claims. This is despite its relatively low overall representation of Australian workers. Some common farm accident injuries include:
Body stress, including fractures
Crush and limb injuries
Cuts and lacerations
Animal bites or from being charged by an animal
Toxic exposure, such as through accidental poisoning from agricultural chemicals
Check if you have a claim with our simple, free online tool.
What we will ask:
Details about the accident and injuries that have happened to you or your loved one
Basic personal information that is relevant and necessary for your claim
What happens next:
Either book a no obligation appointment with a compensation law expert right away or,
Speak with our team about your options
Making a farm accident workers' compensation claim
If you suffer a physical or psychological injury while working on a farm, you may be eligible for compensation for:
Medical and rehabilitation expenses
Travel expenses associated with your medical treatment and rehabilitation
Loss of income due to your farm accident injuries
Return to work services such as retraining, if you’re unable to return to your previous role
Strict time limits apply
If you’re making a farm accident workers’ compensation claim strict time limits apply. It’s important to seek legal advice and not delay in lodging your claim.
A farm accident lawyer can help you with your workers’ compensation claim, no matter where you live. Shine Lawyers work on a No Win, No Fee* basis for all workers’ compensation claims.
How compensation is calculated
The amount of compensation you receive depends on several factors. Once a farm accident lawyer knows your specific situation, they can give you a good indication of what you may be eligible to claim. Compensation depends on factors such as:
The circumstances of your accident
The seriousness of your injuries
The difference between your anticipated life path before your farm accident, and your actual life path since your accident
Other types of compensation for your farm accident injuries
Depending on the circumstances of your accident, other forms of compensation may be available to you in the form of a lump sum payment. These lump sum payments may be made via one of two types of claim:
As a permanent impairment or illness benefit, which requires that minimum impairment thresholds are met (depending on the nature of your injury)
Common law damages, which may be for financial loss and pain and suffering, if your accident was due to the negligence of your employer or a colleague, and your injuries meet the legal definition of 'serious'
One of Shine's expert farm accident lawyers will be able to assess the circumstances of your case, and let you know which benefits you may be entitled to claim.
How Shine can help with your workers' compensation claim
We have helped thousands of Australians right wrong and access more than $1 billion in entitlements and compensation through our expert services.
95% of the cases we represent are settled without the stress of going to court.
We offer access to affordable legal advice including on a No Win, No Fee* basis and an obligation free initial consultation so you can understand your rights and know where you stand.
*Conditions apply
We are ready to take action to get you access to compensation, protect your future and right wrong. Find out more today:
Farm accident FAQs
Can I represent myself, or do I need a farm accident lawyer?
It is possible to legally represent yourself when making a claim however, doing so successfully will likely require:
A thorough understanding of the law, including workers’ compensation law and common law
A thorough understanding of your legal rights and entitlements
Knowledge of the relevant time limits that apply to workers’ compensation claims
A commitment to actively pursue the case to move it forward
Without an experienced workers’ compensation farm accident lawyer in your corner, it can be difficult to identify and highlight the strengths of your case. You then may not receive the compensation you're entitled to. A lawyer can help you maximise your lump sum entitlements.
Why trust Shine to be my farm accident lawyers?
At Shine Lawyers, we put your first. We’ve been standing up for the rights of everyday Australians for over 45 years. As one of Australia’s largest litigation law firms, we are here to help you get the justice you deserve.
Our empathy, understanding and expertise is why we’re ahead of the pack. We’ll stand with you and guide you through every step of the way.
Where are Shine farming accident lawyers located?
With more than 40 branches across Australia and 1000+ team members, location is no barrier when it comes to accessing Shine Lawyers legal advice and support.
If you’d like to speak to our workers’ compensation farm accident lawyers in person, you can see our full list of locations here.
If you can't find a location near you, we can easily arrange an obligation-free virtual appointment. No matter where you are located, we will always provide the same, expert advice and manage your claim with the same level of quality and commitment.
Do you have a claim?
We’re here to make the claims process as simple and stress-free as possible.